Confreda's Soil, Compost & Loam
Soil is the backbone of a garden. Your plants need proper drainage and moisture to thrive. If you feed your garden proper nutrients, it will live a long, happy life. Start with the best soil: rich, fertile loam.
Loam is composed of sand, silt, and a little bit of clay: all ingredients that allow for proper moisture and drainage. At Confreda’s, we carry screened loam, a mixture of topsoil and organic farm loam, all screened to 1/2 inch. With loam as your basis, your lawn or garden will produce gorgeous flowers and hardy fruit and vegetable plants.
To order loam from Confreda’s, please call 401-737-7662.
The loam will be available for pickup at our Warwick location, or we can deliver.

Premium Farming Loam
Our Premium Loam comes straight from our fields to your own backyard. We screen our loam to the half inch and test it to insure that our customers are given the best loam avaiable on the market.
All Natural Raw Compost
Our compost is made from local grasses & trimmings as well as Confredas own produce, so you know it has to be good! We screen our compost to a 1/2 inch so you are given only the best, nutrient rich soil for your flower or vegtiable beds.

50/50 Compost/Loam Mix
This mix is the perfect blend of All Natural Raw Compost and Premium Farming Loam. You do not even have to try to get things to grow in this soil. If you want to have a successful garden, you have to start right and Confreda's 50/50 Compost/Loam Mix is the first step.